Roles on the TeamΒΆ
We recommend that you translate the first resources as a team so that everyone learns about the various tasks involved. However, members of the team will find that they are more qualified or interested in some tasks than others. For example, translating Translation Academy requires more knowledge of linguistics than translating OBS. Similarly, not everyone on a team may be able to align the translations to Hebrew because that task requires a knowledge of the Hebrew language.
We suggest that a GL team consider the following roles as a way to work more efficiently as members contribute in the areas where they are the strongest.
First, the team may want to have a project manager to coordinate the various members and interact with unfoldingWord, church networks, and other language groups.
Second, the team should have a technologist who handles software, hardware, and managing files of the server, Door43.
Third, the team will need three kinds of translators. For translation Academy and technical translation, the team may need a professional translator with knowledge of biblical studies and linguistics. In addition, a team member may want to specialize on the GST translation work, since that requires in-depth knowledge of the specific translation strategies of the UST; in addition, this person would benefit from a high level of English. Finally, a member may want to specialize on the GLT translation work; this translator would benefit from a knowledge of the biblical languages, but it is not required.
Fourth, we suggest that the team have two members who specialize in alignment. One aligner could focus on Greek, the second on Hebrew. It is estimated that the alignment of the Old Testament will take three times longer than the alignment of the New Testament. Because of the greater work required by the Old Testament, the team may need two Hebrew aligners.